Posts Tagged: CMH Style

 You Might Need an Editor If …

Trying to get published without the help of experts in the publishing industry is like trying to sell your house without a realtor. Can it be done? Sure. But will you face more obstacles along the way without guidance of someone who knows the market? Yes. Are there tips and tricks and industry pointers that experts know that you don’t? You betcha. Is the paperwork more daunting? Yep. Would you be taken more seriously and find better success if you hired a professional?


The same is true in the world of publishing. Professional editors and consultants know what the “biz” is all about—and they can help you navigate your way to success.

If you are seeking publication, you might want to consult an editor if …

    • You don’t understand what the term “industry standard” is. You didn’t realize publishing was an industry, nor do you know what its standards are.
    • You believe having your mom proofread your manuscript is good enough.
    • You think Chicago Manual of Style refers to the local fashion talk show.
    • You write “This book is going to be the next Harry Potter!” in your query letter or try to convince the literary agent that you will be the next J.K. Rowling.
    • You do not research or request writer guidelines before submitting a query letter.
    • You don’t know what writer guidelines, query letter, or proposal mean.
    • You tell the literary agent that you were “born to write” or that you are positive that “God wants you to tell this story.”
    • You pitch your ideas (not a specific manuscript) to a literary agent.
    • You pitch many book manuscripts to a literary agent (not just one).
    • Your query is addressed to “Dear Agent” or “Dear Ma’am or Sir” or “To Whom It May Concern.”
    • You write the word “very” 587 times in the first 50 pages of your manuscript.
    • You blind copy your email query to several agents.
    • You have written a first draft and have not rewritten, edited, rewritten, edited, deleted, started over, written, rewritten, edited … you get the drift, right?
    • You query an agent with a genre he/she doesn’t represent.
    • You don’t know how to format your manuscript according to industry-standard format (there’s that term again!).
    • Your only publishing credit is having your poem in 5th grade published in Mrs. Smith’s monthly newsletter.
    • You are not sure about the difference between single spacing and double spacing.
    • You love to use italics, all caps, and bold font—ALL THE TIME!
    • You write in your query that Kate Hudson or Ryan Reynolds could star in your novel-based movie script.
    • You capitalize a, an, the in your book title (and they are not the first words).
    • You lowercase the word Internet.
    • You’ve never heard of an em dash or en dash but think they might be Olympic sports.
    • You don’t know what a word count is or how to do it—but you are hoping every word does indeed count.
    • Your proposal is in Comic Sans font because it’s your favorite font—it is cute, after all!

If you are passionate enough to put your heart and soul into a manuscript to submit for publication, then take the time to consult a professional to help you along the way. The publishing industry is competitive! The Christian publishing industry is rapidly growing and becoming just as competitive as the secular industry. Agents and publishers want to know why your manuscript is different from others, how you can assure success as an author, and how you can guarantee sales.

Bottom line: the publishing industry is a business. A business’ goal is to make money. If your manuscript looks unprofessional, is filled with grammar mistakes, and has not been submitted according to industry standard, you will not stand out among the thousands of others wanting to get published, too.

Seek professional expertise—an editor is worth the investment in your publishing career!

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©2011- 2012 Christi McGuire. All Rights Reserved.

Grammar and Your Reputation

Who cares about grammar?

If I don’t notice mistakes, no one else will either.

Grammar has nothing to do with my business.

I don’t have time or money to hire an editor.

I know what I’m doing.

Grammar? Who cares about that?


These are all comments I’ve heard from people about grammar. Does grammar matter? Does it affect your business, sales, product, service, or platform?




Look at the example below. Do you see the glaring mistake?



(Please note that this is not a post about pro-life vs. pro-choice. This is merely the example I’m using. If you are interested in reading my personal opinion on this matter, please click here.)


This photo has been passed around on Facebook. The originator of this photo obviously feels passionate. But how is he or she portrayed based on this one sentence? The use of “your” is incorrect. “Your” is possessive (example: your shoe). “You’re” should have been used, which means “you are.” This person’s conviction becomes discredited when a grammar mistake is present. Not many will listen to or be swayed to agree with his or her views. A simple grammar mistake can … pardon my frankness … make you look like an idiot!


Grammar absolutely affects how people look at you and whether you are effective and successful at what you do. It affects your …

    • Business
    • Website
    • Sales
    • Products
    • Service
    • Platform
    • Debate
    • Argument
    • Case

Do you get the idea? Whenever you speak or write, how you do so matters—a lot! I’ve worked with many businesses who have asked me to review their websites and business material. What did I find? Mistakes, mistakes, and many more mistakes. All of these companies did not think that their sales, whether products or services, were affected by grammar. However, their reputations are on the line with each customer interaction. Every time a customer views a business’ website, flyer, mailer, advertisement, pamphlet, booklet, contract, or brochure, the company can either look competent and professional, or it can look incompetent and ignorant—all based on grammar.


Take the time to learn proper grammar, punctuation, word choice, and style. However, if you know you’re not an expert on these matters, then hire someone who is. There are many things I know nothing about—cars, plumbing, electronics. So I either learn about them or hire an expert who knows to get the job done correctly.


If you want to learn a little more about grammar, check out these previous posts:


The next time you put out a post, newsletter, website, blog, advertisement—anything!—check for proper grammar. It can affect your reputation more than you think.


Share with us—what is the funniest grammar mistake
you’ve ever noticed?

Spiritual Style

*Style guides have been updated since this post was published. Be sure to read the updated post here.

I’ve been in Christian publishing for over 10 years, first as an editor at LifeWay Christian Resources, and now as a freelance contributor. In addition to stylebooks, such as the AP Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style, those who work in Christian publishing have additional style guides for religious terms. For example, how do you know whether to capitalize “godly” since it refers to God? Is “Bible” always capitalized? One of the best resources is “The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style” by Robert Hudson (Zondervan, 2004). However, each publishing house will have its own style guide, as well. LifeWay may style curriculum and resources differently than Zondervan or Thomas Nelson. But most of them agree on the following styles below.


Whether you are a writer, editor, or you merely refer to religious and spiritual terms as a Christian, these following tips can serve as a helpful guide.


Capitalize Words That Refer to God

Examples: Lord, Almighty, Baby Jesus, Christ, Comforter, Counselor, Creator, Father, Godhead, Judge, King, Providence, Redeemer, Savior, Servant, Son, Sovereign, Trinity


Lowercase General References to Jesus

Examples: friend, person, baby, child, boy, and man (Jesus is my friend.)


Capitalize Adjectives That Are Part of God’s Name

Examples: Almighty God, Anointed One, Divine Savior, Good Shepherd, Great Physician, Heavenly Father, High Priest, Holy Father, Holy Spirit, Promised One, Sovereign Lord, Suffering Savior, Suffering Servant, Supreme Being, Wise Creator


Refer to the Holy Spirit as “He,” not “It

Examples: The Holy Spirit comforts me; He brings peace into my life.


Capitalize pronouns (except relative pronouns) that refer to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit


God gave His Son for our sins.

God loves His children; He loves us with an everlasting love!

When Christ died on the cross, He gave Himself for our sins.

O Lord, You are holy!

Christ is the One in whom we find salvation


Lowercase Relative Pronouns (who, whom, whoever, whomever) referring to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit


The God whom we serve is faithful.

God, who is most faithful, loves us unconditionally.


Lowercase Most Derivatives Referring to God, (Whether Nouns or Adjectives)


godly (He is a godly man.)

fatherhood messianic





Capitalize these words: Christian, Christlike, God-fearing, Godlike, Godhead


Always Capitalize “Bible” and “God’s Word”


The Holy Bible is God’s Word.

God speaks through His Word, the Bible.


Always Capitalize “Scripture”


The Scripture says, “Great is thy faithfulness!”

The Scriptures are God’s truth to His people.

Read the Scriptures daily to know God.


Gospel: Whether to Capitalize Depends on Meaning

    • “Gospel” meaning “good news” is not capitalized.
      Tell others the gospel message of Christ!
      I love good old gospel music!
    • “Gospel” meaning first four books of the New Testament is lowercased, except when it is included in the name of the book.
      The four gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
      The Gospel of John is my favorite book.
      John’s gospel is my favorite book.

Lowercase Names of Places

Examples: heaven, hell, paradise, garden of Eden, kingdom (God’s kingdom; kingdom of God)


Which of these styles do you use most in your everyday life?
Do you blog about “God” or how the “Scriptures” impact your life?
Do you have a question about how to style a particular word or phrase?
Let me know by commenting below!

One Space or Two?

As I edit, whether it’s college English papers or marketing copy for business owners, there is one common blunder in most copy: two spaces between sentences.


Years ago, we were all hounded by our English teachers to put TWO spaces between sentences. Two spaces. Two spaces. Two spaces. But what were we using years and years ago before everybody had a personal computer (or two or three)? Yep, you guessed it—typewriters.


I learned to type in high school in Keyboarding class on a typewriter. Seems like it must have been the Stone Age, doesn’t it? Typewriters only had one font: monospaced font. If you open Microsoft Word and use “Courier” font, you can visibly reminiscence about the days of the typewriter. Monospaced font was not proportional, meaning that each letter and character occupied the same amount of space. The typewriter, God bless its ancient soul, moved the same distance forward after each letter was typed. Because of that, typists inserted two spaces between sentences so that the page didn’t look all smashed together and very difficult to read.


Today’s word-processing programs have hundreds, if not thousands, of fonts that are proportional, where each letter or character has its own width. This allows for better readability and a more professional-looking page. Therefore, two spaces are no longer needed—at all. Nada. Nope. Never. Ever. (Ever!)


Breaking the habit of adding two spaces between sentences can be hard. But no worries! You can easily change an entire document in mere seconds with the “find/replace” function.

  • Press “Control” and “F” and the “Find and Replace” box will pop up.
  • Click on the “Replace” tab.
  • In the “Find What” row, press the space bar twice.
  • Then in the “Replace With” row, press the space bar once.
  • Now click “Replace All.”

Every single page will be adjusted immediately, and it will tell you how many replacements were made. You may want to do this several times until the program says “0” replacements. I’ve worked with some professionals (who will remain nameless) who put more than two spaces between sentences, so I’ve had to “find and replace” over and over again to make sure only one space is between each sentence.


No matter what you write—whether emails or blogs, college papers or professional copy—stop typing two spaces between sentences, as if in the Dark Age of typewriters. Join the technologically-advanced age of ONE space between sentences! Editors will thank you!

Break the Rules!

Rules, rules, rules. The English language is full of rules. “I” before “E” except after “C” (and in a bunch of words that are exceptions). Never capitalize a, an, or the in a title unless it’s the first word. Make sure your subject and verb agree (as if they don’t get along). So many rules to remember … and so many exceptions.

But here are a few rules that you can get away with breaking. (I just broke one of them in that sentence!)

1. Never end a sentence with a preposition.

Nope! Not valid anymore. It used to be “proper” not to end sentences with prepositions; however, it made language very awkward. For example, the sentences “Where should we eat at?” or “Who do I give this to?” would have been considered illegal (well, at least ungrammatical). Teachers forced us to alter sentences to “At where should we eat?” and “To whom do I give this?” We all sounded as formal as the British monarchy! Syntax (the rules for putting together phrases and sentences) has become less archaic and more relaxed in order to be readable, so this rule has nearly become extinct. Instead of saying “To where has it gone?” go ahead and break the rule to say “Where has it gone to?”

2. Do not begin a sentence with so, and, but.

But why? Because most of us were taught never to start a sentence with a conjunction. A conjunction is a part of speech that joins together sentences, phrases, or clauses. These are seven little conjunctions: and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so. Poor little words! Why can’t they be important enough to begin a sentence? There is “no historical or grammatical foundation” to this rule, so says the Chicago Manual of Style (see the 16th edition, page 257). Using a conjunction to begin a sentence can add emphasis, especially in dialogue. So go ahead—use a conjunction. But just don’t overdo it. (Like the last two sentences!)

3. Never split infinitives.

First of all, what is an infinitive? Well, I’m glad you asked! An infinitive is a verb phrase that consists of a “to” + “verb” (for example: to do, to see, to be, to have).

In the English world, as well as publishing, there has been a strict rule not to split infinitives. Guess what? You can get the scissors out and cut the apron strings: infinitives can be separated. Infinitives can be split for the sake of readability, comprehension … and just ‘cause it sounds better! So instead of writing “there is a strict rule not to split infinitives,” I can write “there is a strict rule to not split infinitives.”

Another example: To never stop learning is a crime! (“to” and “stop” combine to make the infinitive “to stop.”) If you wrote “Never to stop learning is a crime” only to avoid splitting the infinitive, it would sound a little ridiculous. So split away!

Ahhh … how freeing is it to break a few rules
where there are so many laws of the language!

What rule (grammar or otherwise) do you wish could be broken?

Ellipsis: Do’s and Don’ts

In my last post, I talked about the correct way to make an ellipsis. If you missed it, you can read that info, preceded by a cute, little ditty, here. I also shared a fabulous tip on how to make an ellipsis correctly by using a shortcut on your keyboard—many thanks to Peter at the blog “9 Months with the Chicago Manual of Style.”

So now that we know how to create the ellipsis, when and how should we use it? It can correctly be used in writing—from formal writing to emails. The biggest tip? Just don’t overdo it.

Use an Ellipsis to Show Omission
An ellipsis is most often used to show that you have omitted words. If you are quoting text and want to shorten it, use an ellipsis to indicate where you have left out words, phrases, or even complete sentences.

For example, if I wanted to quote only a portion of Psalm 139:1-3, I would properly style an ellipsis like this: “O LORD, you have searched me and you know me … you are familiar with all my ways.”

Do Not Use an Ellipsis to Change the Meaning of a Quotation
It is not correct (or ethical) to use an ellipsis to change the meaning of a quotation. Writers must be cautious of being ethical and writing with integrity, especially when quoting others. Make sure not to change the original meaning of text just to make it fit your argument or point of view in writing.

Use an Ellipsis as a Pause
It is correct to use an ellipsis to indicate a pause or trailing off of a writer’s train of thought. The Chicago Manual of Style states, “Ellipsis points suggest faltering or fragmented speech accompanied by confusion, insecurity, distress, or uncertainty.” Another option in writing is the dash, which should be used for more decisive pauses.

For example:

After seeing an elderly man stumble, Mary panicked, “Sir … are you okay … sir?”

After seeing an elderly man stumble, Mary exclaimed, “Somebody call 911—now!”


My shopping list consisted of ice cream, brownies, chocolate syrup … well, you know, the usual fixings for dinner! (meant to be more conversational and humorous)

My shopping list consisted of ice cream, brownies, chocolate syrup—all the fixings for a great meal! (not as conversational; a more definite pause)



• If you are inserting an ellipsis after a complete sentence, put the ellipses after the period. Be careful that you do not style it to be four equally-spaced dots. An ellipsis is treated like a word with a space before and after.

For example: “O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. … you are familiar with all my ways.”

• If you are omitting words at the very beginning or end of a quotation, you generally do not need an ellipsis. However, if the word you are beginning the quote with begins with a capital letter even though it is in the middle of the sentence, you will need an ellipsis to show that you are starting the quote in the middle of the sentence.

For example: “ … Mary did not come to the party.” [The original sentence was “Just like you thought, Mary did not come to the party.”]

• If you remove text between sentences using question marks or exclamation points, style the ellipsis as you normally would between sentences.

For example: “Where did he come from? … Where did he come from Cotton-Eyed Joe?” [The original sentence “Where did he go?” was left out.]

• If you remove text before a question mark or exclamation point, then place a space between the ellipsis and the question mark or exclamation point.

For example: “Where did he come from … ?” [The original sentence was “Where did he come from Cotton-Eyed Joe?”]

• Style commas and semicolons the same as above with question marks and exclamation points.

For example: “Mary went home, … so Ben took a cab.” [The original sentence was “Mary went home, because she had a migraine, so Ben took a cab.”]

Hopefully, this sheds some light on the elusive ellipsis; but, as always with all things grammar, consult your style guide!

The Elusive Ellipsis


Such havoc these three little dots cause.

When writing, you most certainly need to pause.


Where do the spaces go?

Most writers just do not know.


Do the spaces go before, in-between, or after?

The wrong style sends editors into a fit of laughter.


Check your style guide before you write,

Or make you look silly, it just might!


Instead, look intelligent, smart, and clever,

When you correctly use ellipses. The wrong way? NEVER!


I never thought three little periods would drive me crazy! I love to use ellipses. Most people do! But the problem is creating the ellipsis properly. How do you style it? Like most things having to do with grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and the like, you must consult your style guide. However, each style guide has its own … you guessed it … style! For the last 10 years, I’ve been gaining competency in the Associated Press Stylebook (or AP for short). I was first introduced to the AP style at LifeWay Christian Resources as I worked on magazines such as HomeLife, ParentLife, and BabyLife. The AP Stylebook is comically referred to as “The Journalist’s Bible,” and it has most certainly been the case for me! This guide is used mostly for writers and editors of newspapers and news magazines and is updated annually by the Associated Press.

The rival of the AP Stylebook is the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS for short), and it is the oldest style guide (first published in 1891) and the most comprehensive (over 1,000 pages) and covers everything you cannot find in other style guides. However, the style guides do have their differences in style (which I’ll save for a later post).

Now back to the issue at hand … those pesky ellipses. How do you make them?

The Chicago Manual of Style defines an ellipsis as “the omission of a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage” (13.48). Omitted material is indicated by the use of three spaced periods (or ellipsis points). Ellipses may also be used “to show a trailing off or an indecisiveness in thought or speech” (The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style, page 191).

However, the ellipsis is so elusive that four pages have been devoted to its correct use in the CMH. Four pages! So apparently, I’m not the only one who is often confused on its usage.

The confusion arises not from the dots but from the spaces. Where do they go? I’ve seen writers use every combination of the dots and spaces imaginable. Which do you suppose is the correct form?

  1. I just don’t know…where do they go? (no spaces)
  2. I just don’t know… where do they go? (space on the right of the dots)
  3. I just don’t know …where do they go? (space on the left of the dots)
  4. I just don’t know . . . where do they go? (space before, after, and in-between each dot)
  5. I just don’t know … where do they go? (space before and after the dots)

If you chose #5 you are correct! An ellipsis is created with three dots and one space before and one space after. (Although in-house style guides for particular publishers may differ—always use the appropriate style guide for your publication.)

Technically (and we are getting way technical here), the truly appropriate way to create an ellipses is with a teeny-tiny space in-between each dot; however, a “space” is too much space. How do you solve that problem? I found a fantastic blog with the answer!

“9 Months with the Chicago Manual of Style” is a very in-depth blog about “one man’s quest to read the Chicago Manual of Style from cover to cover in nine months and discuss points of grammar along the way.” How fantastic is that?

I know, I know … only for people like me who care about these tiny little dots and lie awake at night thinking about them. But Peter, the man behind the blog who is enduring the 9 months of dissecting the CMH, has saved my life … editorially speaking. I never, ever knew the secret to ellipses. Peter shares from his blog on May 6, 2011: “I’ve found a shortcut in Word whereby you type CTRL+ALT+period to get three (slightly different-looking ellipsis points).”

Can you say FAB-U-LOUS?

Thanks, Peter! Now there is no more worry about where the spaces around the dots go. We can all sleep at night knowing this valuable shortcut to creating the ellipses. And I can guarantee you all … I will be using this shortcut with devotion for the rest of my life!

Elusive? No more! Ellipses no longer have to create havoc in your life! No more sleepless nights! However, now that you know how to properly create them, my next post will be a few do’s and don’ts in using them … do … stay … tuned!