Posts Tagged: Mom

Favorite Children’s Books

My oldest daughter came home from kindergarten last week very excited because she had homework for the first time! She has been anxious to begin reading and is thrilled to be learning “sight words.” At 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, she was begging to do her homework and to read her first book!

Research shows that a love for learning is linked to a love for reading books. We started reading books to both girls when they were tiny babies, and so their love for books began early. How cute it was to see them as 2-year-olds turning pages of a book and “reading” (babbling) the words to themselves. Then our oldest would start “reading” the books she had memorized to her little sister.

Books have always been important in our family, and time spent together reading them has been a blessing. The following are the McGuire family’s top five picture and board books.

“10 Little Rubber Ducks” by Eric Carle was inspired by a true story of ducks at sea. Carle’s 10 rubber ducks fall overboard and meet creatures along their journey to shores all around the world. I’ve had to tape and re-tape almost every page, as this book was well-worn. Finally, I bought another copy and still have had to tape its pages! This has definitely been the girls’ #1 most-loved book.


“Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown is a classic because children love the story and can recite almost every word. Little Rabbit saying “goodnight” to everything taught us to say “good-bye” to everything, making transitions easier when the girls were toddlers.


“Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” by Eileen Christelow is wonderful because the kids already know the song and love to pretend to be the jumpy monkeys. (Although this mommy doesn’t have to pretend to be the exhausted mama monkey—I definitely am!)

“Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney is one that melts my heart every time I read it. The beautiful illustrations and heart-warming story perfectly sum up a parent’s love: “all the way to the moon—and back!”


“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin, Jr. was Eric Carle’s first illustrator credit, sending him on his journey as writer and illustrator for many classic picture books. The rhyme and repetition in this book is loved by kids and can be repeated over and over (and over and over).


 As we transition out of the picture and board books, I am excited to share some of my most favorite children’s books with my girls!


“Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak brings to life a child’s imagination and wonder. The illustrations are beautiful, and I love the message that even when kids are naughty, parents still love them!

“James and the Giant Peach” by Roald Dahl was my favorite Dahl book, but I loved them all! When James climbs inside the peach and it rolls away, I wanted to be on the journey with him and Grasshopper, Earthworm, Miss Spider, and Centipede. Dahl knew how to bring a child’s imagination to life!

“The Ramona Series” by Beverly Cleary is a true child’s classic. I love, love, love all things Beverly Cleary! I adore Ramona’s spunky character, could identify with the older sister Beezus, and wanted to live in the world of the Quimbys. Beverly Cleary is a hero in my book!

“The Chronicles of Narnia Series” by C.S. Lewis bring a magical experience with each book. You become entranced with each fabulous character and learn how good can always triumph over evil. Lewis wrote these books over 50 years ago, and children today are still falling in love with the four kids who stumble upon the wardrobe.

“Little House in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder is my absolute most favorite book of all time! I have read this book and the rest in the “Little House” series many, many times. I wanted to live in a log cabin, have a corn cob as my doll, help Ma make everything from scratch, and dance to the fiddle music of Pa. Probably the best history lesson I ever received, as well as a lesson in family togetherness, was found in this book!

Share with us the books that are your family’s favorite!



Christi Who?

So who is Christi McGuire?
Sometimes, I don’t even know! I love the lyrics to the song “Little Miss” by Sugarland: “She’s so much more than she likes to talk about.”  That pretty much sums it up. Women are complicated, and I’m no exception! (I’m sure my husband could expand upon that, but as queen of this blog, he won’t get a chance!) A lot of people ask me, “What does an editor do? What do you write about?” So . . . drum roll please . . . here is a post on my BIO:

Above all else, I love God, my husband, my two precious daughters, my family, and my friends. Outside of that, I am involved in a love affair. Yes . . . I am in love . . . with commas.

My “nerd status” started as child when I loved to read, read, read! Reading allowed me to escape from reality and be transported to the dreams and fantasies of my favorite characters who seemed to think and feel as I did as an awkward adolescent. (Who doesn’t remember reading Judy Blume as a child?) Everyone said I would be a teacher because I loved to read. They were right–for a brief moment.

God has a plan for everyone: “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ ” declares the LORD, “ ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ ” (Jeremiah 29:11). Luckily for me, He steered me down another path to my true destination: editing and writing. Out of the blue (a.k.a. God’s amazing will) I applied for a job at the publishing house, LifeWay Christian Resources after two years of teaching English to seventh graders. (One can only take 12-year-olds reading literature out loud for so long!) I was young, energetic, passionate, and probably the least qualified candidate. But I got the job—praise the Lord! Thanks to gracious co-workers, I learned A LOT that first year. I caught the “editing/writing” bug and couldn’t turn back. I had to edit commas! I had to correct those evil comma splices! I had to find better synonyms for boring, clique words! 

In 2000 I started as the copy editor for HomeLife Magazine at LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN. Within a year, the company went through a re-organization, and I received the position I had hoped for as the copy editor for ParentLife Magazine. I moved to the position of editor of the monthly parenting magazine, while also contracting editing jobs for anything LifeWay needed, including:  VBS, Sunday school curriculum, children’s monthly devotionals, and undated material.

Following a move to Florida, God expanded my dreams, and I began my freelance career as an editor and writer. I continued my contracts with LifeWay, as well as gained clients in the following industries: children’s book publishing, healthcare, automotive, insurance, marketing and advertising, service and hospitality, building and construction, manufacturing, and non-profits organizations. I have been blessed to have worked with published book writers, politicians, business owners, medical doctors, pastors, and celebrity actors.

Although I love to hide away in a quiet room with my laptop and my favorite white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, I do like to teach and speak at conferences. Local churches have booked me to speak at women’s events; and, along with a fabulous fellow writer (who I also hope will be a guest blogger soon) I’ve taught seminars for beginner writers about the “ins-and-outs” of the publishing industry.

Currently, I am a monthly contributor to, a website that connects guests to the Christian faith through everyday life. Also, you can often read one of my articles at the fabulous monthly magazine, ParentLife.  

Most importantly, I am a proud mom of two beautiful, active, and ornery girls. In August 2011, you’ll hear weeping and moaning as my firstborn goes to kindergarten. (I’ll need LOTS of Starbucks white chocolate mochas then—please see my contact information to ship me as many as you can!) I am also blessed to be married to my absolute best friend in the whole world, Matt, who also happens to be the best daddy in the world, too! Gee, aren’t I one lucky chick?